
Mindful Moments with Marla

Setting Your Intention


Elevate and recalibrate your energy.

The intention you set for yourself can be focused on anything you want to manifest in your life, including creativity, love, abundance, protection, spirituality, transformation, balance, wellness, weight loss, cleansing energy, mental clarity, purpose, passion, and more.

Create a sacred space of peace love.

A space that you love, one that speaks to your soul!

You can use a white sage and lavender smudge stick to clear any residual unwanted energy in this space.

Ground Yourself in that space daily.

Close your eyes and visualize light in your heart. Bring your attention to your heart and notice it shining bright.

There is no right or wrong when choosing the words that you are going to say when setting the intention. The key of setting an intention is to establish clarity.

  1. Be very clear and specific with your intention

  2. Transmit your intention with your heart, emotions, and energy to create synergy

  3. Communicate using words and visualization (imagine the intention, and see yourself already achieving that intention)

  4. Connect with the heart and emotion surrounding the intention (how you feel when you imagine yourself already enjoying that “intention” in your life)

  5. Engage your five senses (grounding yourself, visualizing your intention has already been obtained...See, Smell, Touch, Hear and Taste something in your life, placing your mind’s eye in that space, grounding yourself, and noticing your emotions now that you have obtained clarity and see yourself enlightened as your intention has been obtained.

  6. Journal thoughts and feelings surrounding that intention and how incredible you feel now that you have manifested it in your life!

  7. Return to this peaceful place frequently throughout the New Year!

  8. Create a prayer box and leave it in this sacred space. Any fears, doubts, or concerns can be written on paper and submitted into your prayer box.

  9. Let it Go, Releasing all worry and return to the peaceful space, continuously focusing on the present moment and your intention.

  10. Celebrate manifesting your intention!

  11. Vision boards are a fantastic opportunity to turn your future goals into reality. As you focus on intention, creativity can spark your imagination in positive ways. Take time to create a collage of dreams, goals, and desires for your path in 2021. Hang it up in a visible place in your home. Watch your intention come to life in the new year

Make It Happen

Marla, xo

Marla Ruhana